Last Updated:
17/01/2022 - 16:38

The students who reside in dormitories are liable to behave in a way that is appropriate for a university student and to abide by the Rules and Regulations Governing the Dormitories and the Decisions taken by the Executive Board of Dormitories both of which have been announced on the dormitory notice boards as well as the following rules. Otherwise, action will be taken against students in line with the concerned rules and principles.


  1. Attendance is taken by the dormitory personnel every day latest by 7:30 a.m. Students who leave the dormitory before attendance is taken must inform the dormitory information desk personnel and have their name written. Otherwise, they will be considered absent and procedures will be initiated accordingly. Students must sleep in the dormitory, room and bed allocated for them.

  2. Students can take a leave of absence for 20 weekdays every semester (excluding official holidays). Students who will spend the night out must obtain permission by filling out the “Notification Form for Students Who Will Spend the Night Out” which can be found at dormitory information desks. Students who wish to take a leave for more than 3 weekdays must apply to the Director of their dormitory by submitting a relevant petition and must additionally fill out the abovementioned form. In cases of emergency when a student cannot return to the dormitory, s/he must call the Director of the dormitory or the dormitory information desk. (Permissions obtained to stay at home are valid from Friday to Sunday evening.)

  3. Students who come to/leave their dormitory after midnight must fill out and sign “The List of Students Who Came to/Left the Dormitory after Midnight” found at the information desk. Students who will spend the night in the computer lab must write their names on the “List of Students Going to/Coming from the Computer Lab”. They receive a “Laboratory Study Form” at the information desk of their own dormitory and submit it to the information desk in the dormitory where the computer lab is. The dormitory personnel writes the entry time of the students, and then the personnel in the computer lab writes the entry and exit times and signs the form. Students must request the dormitory personnel to write and sign the exit time before going to their own dormitory. They submit the “Laboratory Study Form” to the information desk at their own dormitory.

  4. Students must present their student ID card bearing the dormitory barcode if the personnel asks for it when they are entering or leaving the dormitory.

  5. Failures in services such as electricity, water, etc. noticed by students are recorded on “..... Dormitory Daily Failure Report Form” found at the information desks.

  6. Only one electronic kettle can be kept in the rooms.

  7. Irons can be obtained from the information desk in return for a student ID card. Students are not allowed to use irons of their own to avoid electric leakage etc.

  8. Students residing in the dormitories can visit their friends staying in other dormitories between 2 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Once ae visitor arrives, the information desk personnel announces the name of the student being visited. The visiting student and the student jointly fill out the “Visitor Registration Form”. The visiting student gives his/her student ID card bearing a dormitory barcode to the information desk. The student who leaves the dormitory after paying the visit writes the exit time on the “Visitor Registration Form”, signs the form and gets his/her ID card back. Other visitors are not allowed to enter the rooms. The location for such visits has been specified as the dormitory canteen until 11:30 p.m. Requests for a special-case visits are evaluated by the dormitory director, who is authorized to grant permission.

  9. It is forbidden to smoke in all closed areas in accordance with Turkish Code numbered 5727 and 5326 which the former refers to.

  10. Each student staying in a room is liable to keep the rooms and beds clean and neat, not to leave food out, and damage the fixtures, walls and doors by writing or hanging pictures on them. In case of damage, the dormitory administration is informed and the student/students who caused the damage is/are made to compensate all the damage.

  11. Dormitory fees are deposited in the specified bank account by the 25th of each month without need for any warning and the receipts are submitted to the information desk.

  12. The dormitory administration must be informed about any problem related to dormitories on time.

  13. *It is necessary to keep the kitchens clean, not to leave any food remains and dirty kitchenware in the sinks, counters and dinner tables, and to keep the shower trays and sinks clean after use for your health and in accordance with the rules of living together.

  14. *Noise should not be made in the corridors and rooms and music and musical instruments should not be played in a manner that will disturb others; the lights should be turned off in the rooms after 12 p.m, demands of fellow students must be taken into consideration when they are disturbed by the noise caused by the computer keys, and study rooms should be used as much as possible after 12 p.m.

    * It is necessary to protect the environment and the green areas.


    Respect for yourself and your friends entails compliance with the above-written rules. Sensitivity regarding these issues is of great significance.